Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Fallen Angels!

 ~ preface ~ 

Great falls of rock fell into the suns of heaven, from which fiery pillars of smoke exploded in all directions in the newly formed Cosmos. The first light of heaven shown down on the horned head of His Excellency: The Sun Of The Morning. His Excellency, always did have a flair for the dramatic. Even going all the way back to "The Submissive Time."  What masterful shows he would put on! All in honor of The Supreme I, YHVH. Alas, time did not stand still under the suns of heaven, for even the angels of Heaven, grew tired of the rituals and eternal praise of The Supreme I. Longing for something more, these heavenly hosts, began to feel within their somas,* a growing restlessness.

Unspeakable murmurings filled the silver-veiled temples of The Morning Star -- had YHVH forgotten something, one small detail, left to chance? Had his ears gone deaf? Could it be, The Supreme I, was starting to show his years? Granted, It had been some time since The Sun Of The Morning (of late he'd been going by the name of Lucifer) had spoken of The Supreme One, yet, looking around Heaven it would seem all was as it had always been.

~ chapter I ~


Now the time of the great lizards was at an end, and newMan walked upon the ground, and the angels looked down from on high, and saw that he the newMan was beautiful -- naked -- perfect in body and mind. (Though newMan's spirit, had yet to be installed.) This new creation, Man, was given the power of procreation. He could make himself, anew, and it vexed the angels who took it as a sign from YHVH they were inferior to His new 'pet.'
under the supervision of Vapula, who was skilled in handicrafts, science and philosophy; vessels were prepared; ostensibly to transport gold from the Second Heavens** for the adoration of  YHVH's as yet unborn son, Jumpin-jhosaphat.
"Then did the Hosts of Heaven, taking their leave of Heaven, flee from YHVH, and his sight forever." --Book of Vapula. 7:11
A third of the angels; chief among them;  Lucifer, along with all of his Minions;  well over one third of the hosts of Heaven, would follow him to a place where YHVH had neglected -- the Underworld, of Earth.

"...and it came to pass that the Earth had cooled, ...and a void was formed within the center of the Earth, and it was known as Hell by those who were entered unto it; even by Satan, that old serpent:  The Devil."  --Macadamias 4:20.  
note: [The Fallen hide the gold stolen from the Supreme I under the earth] [fallen realize they are infertile after traveling through space for so long and therefore inferior to newMan] [Supreme I sends 64,000 of the "loyal hosts" to Earth, to capture and punish The Fallen]

A plan was devised to take the seed of newMan and distribute it among the minions of Lucifer, so they too could participate in the act of creation and therefore exceed unto themselves the power of YHVH.      

"And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness to the judgment of the great day." --Jude 1:6

William Blake "Satan Arousing the Rebel Angels"

* The word “soma” comes from the Greek meaning the living body in its wholeness, the interconnection of mind, body, spirit and emotions.

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